All posts tagged adventure racing

Surviving the Lunacy of Virginia’s Death Race

Tasks are designed to challenge both mind and body. Imagine a 200-yard climb under barbwire, followed by having to remove a tree stump from the ground, just so you can […]

Adventure Racing the Nordisk Challenge

Watch this short video highlighting footage from the Nordisk Challenge in Denmark. I believe it’s now called the Nordisk Extrem Maraton.

Mid-America Xtreme (MAX) Adventure Racing Promo

In the 1970s, on the fringes of the running craze, people realized that a marathon just wasn’t enough. Ordinary people began to found entertainment in the wilderness, giving birth to […]

Adventure Race Documentary: Race the Rockies

A great look at the world of adventure racing. This is a short documentary about the sport of adventure racing, revolving around Race the Rockies. Race The Rockies is an […]

tough mudder

Mike Hrostoski’s Tough Mudder Adventure

This is a Nerve Rush reader experience post. We’ve profiled the Tough Mudder before, but facts only do so much to tell you about the level of adventure in an obstacle […]